#Library Load-in---------------------------------------------------------------
library(dplyr) #Data wrangling
library(purrr) #Iterations
library(sp) #Polygon filtering
library(ggplot2) #Plotting
#Data Set-up-------------------------------------------------------------------
#Background COlor#
background <- "#F7F5EB"
#Overall texture data#
texture <- tibble(x = seq(0,10, length = 100),
y = seq(0,15, length = 100)) |>
#Angles to be used for all circles#
theta <- seq(0,2*pi, length = 100)
#Main red circle#
main_piece <- tibble(x = (cos(theta) * 4) + 5,
y = (sin(theta) * 4) + 7.5,
group = "circle",
fill = "#B23A28")
#Circle hell to account for texture jitter#
main_piece_text_shell <- tibble(x = (cos(theta) * 3.5) + 5,
y = (sin(theta) * 3.5) + 7.5)
#Texture for main circle#
main_texture <- texture |>
mutate(x = jitter(x, amount = .4),
y = jitter(y, amount = .4),
logic = point.in.polygon(x,y, main_piece_text_shell$x, main_piece_text_shell$y)) |>
filter(logic == 1)
#Main triangle#
tri_main <- tibble(x = c(2.5,7.5,5,2.5),
y = c(5.5,5.5,10.5,5.5))
#Triangle texture#
tri_texture <- texture |>
mutate(x = jitter(x, amount = .4),
y = jitter(y, amount = .4),
logic = sp::point.in.polygon(x,y, tri_main$x, tri_main$y)) |>
filter(logic == 1)
#Right circle data#
right_circle <- tibble(x = (cos(theta) * 4) + 10,
y = (sin(theta) * 4),
group = "circle",
fill = "#32498D")
#Left circle data#
left_circle <- tibble(x = (cos(theta) * 4),
y = (sin(theta) * 4 + 15),
group = "circle",
fill = "#D5BD5D")
#Shells and textures for the side circles#
left_shell <- tibble(x = (cos(theta) * 3.5),
y = (sin(theta) * 3.5 + 15))
left_texture <- texture |>
mutate(x = jitter(x, amount = .4),
y = jitter(y, amount = .4),
logic = sp::point.in.polygon(x,y, left_shell$x, left_shell$y)) |>
filter(logic == 1)
right_shell <- tibble(x = (cos(theta) * 3.5 + 10),
y = (sin(theta) * 3.5))
right_texture <- texture |>
mutate(x = jitter(x, amount = .4),
y = jitter(y, amount = .4),
logic = sp::point.in.polygon(x,y, right_shell$x, right_shell$y)) |>
filter(logic == 1)
# Smaller circle settings#
radis <- c(.8,.5,.4,.8,.5,.4)
borders <- radis + .1
xs <- c(5,3,1,5,7,9)
ys <- c(rep(2,3), rep(13,3))
colors_circles <- colorRampPalette(c("#32498D", "#D5BD5D"))(6)
circle_opts <- list(radis,
#smaller circle data compilation#
blue_circles <- pmap_df(circle_opts, ~tibble(x = (cos(theta)*..1) + ..3,
y = (sin(theta)*..1) + ..4,
fill = ..5,
group = paste0("group_",..5)))
#smaller circle border data compilation#
border_circles <- pmap_df(circle_opts, ~tibble(x = (cos(theta)*..2) + ..3,
y = (sin(theta)*..2) + ..4,
color = "#ffffff",
group = paste0("group_",..5,"circle")))
#Final Piece-------------------------------------------------------------------
texture |>
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = background))+
geom_point(color = sample(colorRampPalette(c("#EAE0DA","#B7B78A","#F7F5EB"))(10),nrow(texture), replace = TRUE),
position = position_jitter(width = .6, height = .5),
size = sample(seq(25,45, length = nrow(texture))),
alpha = .05)+
geom_polygon(data = blue_circles, aes(sample(x), sort(y), group = group),
fill = NA, color = "white",
linetype = 3,
linewidth = .1,
alpha = .3)+
geom_polygon(data = main_piece, aes(group = group),
fill = main_piece$fill)+
geom_point(data = main_texture,
color = sample(colorRampPalette(c("#B23A28","#5C1F15","#BF5836"))(10),nrow(main_texture), replace = TRUE),
size = sample(seq(2,15, length = nrow(main_texture))),
alpha = .01)+
geom_polygon(data = tri_main,
fill = "#000000",
color = "#000000",
linewidth = 5,
linejoin = "mitre")+
geom_path(data = tri_texture, aes(x,sort(y)),
color = "#ffffff",
alpha = .7,
linewidth = .1)+
geom_polygon(data = right_circle, aes(group = group),
fill = right_circle$fill)+
geom_polygon(data = left_circle, aes(group = group),
fill = left_circle$fill)+
geom_point(data = left_texture,
color = sample(colorRampPalette(c("#D5BD5D","#649D7A","#377B70", "#32498D"))(10),nrow(left_texture), replace = TRUE),
size = sample(seq(2,15, length = nrow(left_texture))),
alpha = .01)+
geom_point(data = right_texture,
color = sample(colorRampPalette(rev(c("#D5BD5D","#649D7A","#377B70", "#32498D")))(10),nrow(right_texture), replace = TRUE),
size = sample(seq(2,15, length = nrow(right_texture))),
alpha = .01)+
geom_polygon(data = blue_circles, aes(group = group),
fill = blue_circles$fill)+
geom_path(data = border_circles, aes(group = group),
color = border_circles$color)+
coord_equal(expand = FALSE,
xlim = c(0,10),
ylim = c(0,15))
#To save the output:
# ggsave("images/27.png",
# device = "png",
# dpi = 300,
# bg = "transparent")