January 26th - My Kid Could Have Made That


January 26, 2023

< Prev: January 25th - Yayoi Kusama (Code Not Available) | Next: January 27th - In The Style of Hilma Af Klint>

A generative image of a classic blue-lined notebook sheet with a random blue scribble mark placed in the center.

Show code
#Library Load-in---------------------------------------------------------------

#Data Set-up-------------------------------------------------------------------

#Angle set up#
theta <- seq(0,2*pi, length = 1000)

#Base scribble#
splatbase <- tibble(x = jitter(cos(theta), amount =.02),
                y = jitter(sin(theta)),amount = .02) |>
  mutate(x = x *pi*y,
         y = x*y)

#Sampling and data transformation#
splat <- splatbase |>
  slice_sample(prop= .01) |>
  mutate(x = x + 3,
         y = y + 5)

#Overall paper texture#
texture <- tibble(x = seq(0,5, length = 100),
                  y = seq(0,10, length = 100)) |>

#Data for notbook lines#
bluelines <- tibble(x = 0:5)

bluelines_final <- map2_df(seq(0,9, length.out = 19),c(1.2,rep(.8,18)), ~bluelines |>
                            mutate(y = .x,
                                   group = .x,
                                   size = .y))

#Final Piece-------------------------------------------------------------------

splat |>
  theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))+
  geom_point(data = texture, 
             size = sample(seq(20,5, length = 30), nrow(texture), replace = TRUE), 
             alpha = .08, 
             color = "#FCF5F4", 
             position = position_jitter(width = .5, height = .6))+
  geom_path(data = bluelines_final, aes(group = group), 
            color = "#83BEC6", 
            linewidth = rev(bluelines_final$size))+
  geom_vline(xintercept = .6, color = "#BB7867")+
  geom_path(linewidth = sample(seq(.1,3, length = 50), nrow(splat), replace = TRUE), 
            color = "#000f55", 
            lineend = "round") +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,5), 
                  ylim = c(0,10),
                  expand = FALSE)

# ggsave("images/26.png",
#        dpi = 300,
#        device = "png",
#        bg = "transparent")