January 24th - Textile


January 24, 2023

< Prev: January 23rd - More Moiré | Next: January 25th - Yayoi Kusama (Code Not Available)>

A generative art piece that shows various strips of textured fabric with various autumn-like colors (greens, reds) on a light tan gradient background.

Show code
#Library Load-in---------------------------------------------------------------

#Data Set-up-------------------------------------------------------------------

#Number of strips#
n = 10

#Horizontal Strips#
canvas <- tibble(x = c(seq(0,1, length = 100),
                       seq(1,0, length = 100),
                 y = c(rep(0,100),
                       seq(0,10, length = 100),
                       rep(10, 100),
                       seq(10,0, length = 100)))

#Vertical Strips#
canvas2 <- tibble(y = c(seq(0,1, length = 100),
                       seq(1,0, length = 100),
                 x = c(rep(0,100),
                       seq(0,11, length = 100),
                       rep(11, 100),
                       seq(11,0, length = 100)))

#Scale transformations
trans <- seq(0,10, length = n)
trans2 <- seq(0,9, length = n)

#Color options#
color_pal <- colorRampPalette(sort(c("#ba3834","#731b18","#6a6a2a","#3d3d12","#634d41","#9e7057")))(n)
border_pal <- map_chr(color_pal, ~colorRampPalette(c(.x, "#000000"))(10)[4])

#Iteration Options#
cube_opts <- list(trans, color_pal, border_pal)
cube_opts2 <- list(trans2, color_pal, border_pal)

#Strips data compilation#
cubes <- pmap_df(cube_opts, ~canvas |>
                  mutate(x = x +..1,
                         fill = ..2,
                         color = ..3,
                         group = ..1))

verts <- pmap_df(cube_opts2, ~canvas2 |>
                   mutate(y = y +..1,
                          fill = ..2,
                          color = ..3,
                          group = ..1))

#Overall texture data#
texture <- tibble(x = -1,
                  xend = 12,
                  y = seq(-2,12, length = 100),
                  yend = y,
                  color = colorRampPalette(c("#EEC373","#333333","#EEC373","#333333","#EEC373"))(100))

texture2 <- tibble(y = -2,
                  yend = 12,
                  x = seq(-1,12, length = 100),
                  xend = x,
                  color = colorRampPalette(c("#EEC373","#333333","#EEC373","#333333","#EEC373"))(100))

texture3 <- tibble(x = seq(-1,12, length = 50),
                   y = seq(-2,12, length = 50)) |>

#Final Piece-------------------------------------------------------------------
cubes |>
  ggplot(aes(x,y, group = group))+
  theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#EEC373"))+
  geom_polygon(position = position_jitter(width = .09), 
               color = cubes$color, 
               fill = cubes$fill, 
               linewidth = .1)+
  geom_segment(data = texture, aes(x,y, xend = xend, yend = yend), 
               inherit.aes = FALSE, 
               color = texture$color, 
               alpha = .1, 
               linewidth = 20)+
  geom_polygon(position = position_jitter(width = .09), 
               color = cubes$color, 
               fill = cubes$fill, 
               linewidth = .1, 
               alpha = .9)+
  geom_segment(data = texture2, aes(x,y, xend = xend, yend = yend), 
               inherit.aes = FALSE, 
               color = texture2$color, 
               alpha = .1, 
               linewidth = 20)+
  geom_polygon(position = position_jitter(width = .09), 
               color = cubes$color, 
               fill = cubes$fill, 
               linewidth = .1, 
               alpha = .9)+
  geom_polygon(position = position_jitter(width = .09), 
               color = cubes$color, 
               fill = cubes$fill, 
               linewidth = .1, 
               alpha = .4)+
  geom_polygon(data = verts, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .09), 
               color = verts$color, 
               fill = verts$fill, 
               linewidth = .1, 
               alpha = .4)+
  geom_path(data = texture3, aes(x,y, group = 1), 
            linewidth = sample(seq(1,10, length = 50), nrow(texture3), replace = TRUE), 
            color = "#EEC373", 
            alpha = .05, 
            position = position_jitter(width = .05, height = .03))+
  coord_equal(expand = FALSE, 
                  xlim = c(-1,12), 
                  ylim = c(-1,11))

# ggsave("images/24.png",
#        dpi = 300,
#        device = "png",
#        bg = "transparent")