January 5th - Debug View


January 5, 2023

< Prev: January 4th - Intersections | Next: January 6th - Steal Like An Artist >

An nighttime landscape with a yellow half moon and purple night sky in the horizon. In the foor ground is a forced perspective of a dark ground and an unfinished white area where a trail is supposed to be. In its place is a grid with orange circles at each square's corner.

Show code
#Library Load-In---------------------------------------------------------------

library(dplyr) #For data wrangling
library(ggplot2) #For plotting
library(sp) #For polygon filtering

#Data Set-up-------------------------------------------------------------------

# Manual data for the road#
road <- tibble(x = c(0,100,55,45,0),
               y = c(0,0,60,60,0))

# Data for the grass/ground area#
grass <- tibble(x = c(seq(0,100, length = 200),
                      seq(100,0, length = 200),
                y = c(rep(0,200),
                      seq(0,60, length = 200),
                      seq(60,0, length = 200)))

# Data for the stars#
stars <- tibble(expand.grid(x = seq(0,100, length = 20),
                            y = seq(60,100, length = 10)))

# Theta/Angle to create the moon#
theta_moon <- seq(0,2*pi, length = 100)

# Data for the moon#
moon <- tibble(x = 20*cos(theta_moon)+50,
               y = 30*sin(theta_moon)+50)

# Data to add texture to the road#
road_texture <- tibble(expand.grid(x = seq(0,100, length = 10),
                                   y = seq(0,60, length = 10))) 

# Filtering out the data to only lay in our pre-made "road" shape#
road_texture <- road_texture %>%
  mutate(logic = point.in.polygon(x,y,road$x,road$y))%>%
  filter(logic == 1)

# Data for the "texture" of our ground/grass
grass_texture <- tibble(x = rep(0,200),
                        xend = rep(100,200),
                        y = seq(0,60, length = 200),
                        yend = y)

#Final Piece-------------------------------------------------------------------

stars %>%
  theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#301934"))+
  geom_point(position = "jitter", size = .01, color = "white")+
  geom_polygon(data = moon, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .3, height = .1),
               fill = "#FCC201", linewidth = 1)+
  geom_polygon(data = moon, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .3, height = .1), 
               fill = NA, 
               color = "black", 
               linewidth = 1)+
  geom_polygon(data = moon, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .3, height = .1), 
               fill = NA, 
               color = "black", 
               linewidth = 1)+
  geom_polygon(data = moon, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .3, height = .1), 
               fill = NA, 
               color = "black", 
               linewidth = 1)+
  geom_polygon(data = grass, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .3, height = .1), 
               fill = "#192841", 
               color = "black", 
               linewidth = 1)+
  geom_polygon(data = grass, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .3, height = .2), 
               fill = NA, 
               color = "black", 
               linewidth = 1)+
  geom_polygon(data = grass, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .3, height = .3), 
               fill = NA, 
               color = "#203354", 
               linewidth = 1)+
  geom_segment(data = grass_texture, aes(x=x,y=y,xend=xend,yend=yend),
               position = position_jitter(width = 3, height = .3), 
               color = "black", 
               linewidth = .3, 
               inherit.aes = FALSE, 
               alpha = sample(seq(.4,1, length = 10), nrow(grass_texture), replace = TRUE))+
  geom_polygon(data = road,  
               fill = "white", 
               alpha = .8)+
  geom_path(data = road,  
            color = "black", 
            linewidth= 3)+
  geom_line(data = road_texture, aes(group = x), 
            linewidth = 1, 
            color = "#000000")+
  geom_line(data = road_texture, aes(group = y), 
            linewidth = 1, 
            color = "#000000")+
  geom_line(data = road, aes(group = y), 
            linewidth = 1, 
            color = "#000000")+
  geom_point(data = road, 
             size = 5, 
             color = "#cc5500")+
  geom_point(data = road_texture, 
             size = 5,
             color = "#cc5500")+
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,100),
                  ylim = c(0,100), 
                  expand = FALSE)

#To save the output:
# ggsave("images/05.png",
#        dpi = 300,
#        device = "png")