January 31st - Remix one of Your Previous Works


January 31, 2023

< Prev: January 30th - Minimalism |

An updated image of an old piece by Meghan Harris called mountains. A landscape of a textured night sky with stars in the background, multiple polygon-shaped mountain ranges, and detailed trees in varying shades of green in the foreground

Show code
#Library Load-in---------------------------------------------------------------

#Data Set-up-------------------------------------------------------------------

#Sky (Nebula) data#
sky <- tibble(x = seq(0,10, length = 100),
              y = seq(0,10, length = 100)) |>

#Setting a color palette for the sky in the background===
sky_pal <- sample(colorRampPalette(c(rep("#000000",3),rep("#1A0539",5), "#c66c92","#836193","#434a73","#439895","#046c8e",rep("#042047",3)))(nrow(sky)))
sky_size <- sample(15:35, nrow(sky), replace = TRUE)

sky_texture <- sky |>
  mutate(color = sky_pal,
         size = sky_size,
         group = "sky")

#====Stars Data====
stars_grid <- tibble(expand.grid(x = seq(0,10, length.out = 100),
                                 y = seq(0,10, length.out = 100))) 

stars <- slice_sample(stars_grid, n = 200) |>
  mutate(group = "stars")

#====Mountains Data/Functions/Palettes====

# Function that creates one set of mountains====
mountain_ranger <- function(base,height,rows){
  #Creating the first foundation the function will build off of==
  foundation <- tibble(x = c(0, base, seq(base,0, length.out = 20)),
                 y = c(0, 0, height, height+sample(seq(-.2,.8,length.out = 100),18, replace = TRUE), 0))
  #Creating an empty list to store the data for the generated mountain ranges==
  mountains <- list()
  #Using a for-loop to iterate through the data to create the correct number of rows/ranges we want==
  for(i in seq_along(1:rows)){
    mountains[[i]] <- foundation %>%
      mutate(y = abs(y + c(0, 0, i*(sample(seq(-.8,.8,length.out = 100), nrow(foundation) - 3)), 0)),
             group = i)
  #Adding the "group" variable to our original foundation that was created earlier==
  foundation <- foundation %>%
    mutate(group = 0)
  #Binding the generated mountain data together==
  mountains <- bind_rows(mountains)
  #Binding the generated mountain data and the foundation data together into one data frame==
  range <- rbind(foundation,mountains)
  #Returning the data frame to the environment==

#Using the custom function to make two sets of ranges===
range <- mountain_ranger(6,5,3)
range2 <- mountain_ranger(10,1.8,3)

#Calculating the total amount of ROWS located within EACH group in each set of ranges==
group_n <- nrow(range)/length(unique(range$group))
group_n2 <- nrow(range2)/length(unique(range2$group))

#Calculating the TOTAL number of GROUPS within each set of ranges==
group_total <- length(unique(range$group))
group_total2 <- length(unique(range2$group))

# Colors for the first range data set==
mountain_pal_range <- sort(rep(sample(c("#011d26","#02303f","#1c5a73","#4a748c","#1A0539","#836193"),group_total, 
                                 replace = TRUE), each = group_n))

# Colors for the second range data set==
mountain_pal_range2 <- sort(rep(sample(c("#011d26","#02303f","#1c5a73","#4a748c","#836193",rep("#1A0539",4)),group_total2, 
                                  replace = TRUE), each = group_n2))

#====Trees Data/Functions/Palettes====
#Creating tree options#
x_trans <- seq(0,9.9, by = .1)
y_trans <- sample(seq(-.8,.5, length = 30), length(x_trans), replace = TRUE)
tree_pal <- sample(colorRampPalette(c("#224b39", "#3D6E38", "#082922"))(length(x_trans)))

tree_opts <- list(x_trans, y_trans, tree_pal)

#Creating tree data#
trees <- pmap_df(tree_opts, ~tibble(x = c(0,.1,
                                    y = c(0,0,
                                          seq(0,1.5 + ..2, length = 100),
                                          1.5 + ..2, 1.5 + ..2,
                                          seq(1.5 + ..2,0, length = 100)),
                                    group = "tree_") |>
                   mutate(x = x + ..1,
                          group = paste0(group,..1),
                          fill = ..3))

#====Frame Data====
# Just our x and y limits#
frame <- tibble(x = c(0,10,10,0,0),
                y = c(0,0,10,10,0),
                group = "frame")

#Final Piece-------------------------------------------------------------------

sky_texture  %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=x,y=y, group = group)) +
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#000000"))+
  geom_point(color = sky_texture$color,
             size = sky_texture$size,
             alpha = .02) +
  geom_point(data = stars, 
             color = "#ffffff",
             position = position_jitter(width =.05, height = .03), 
             alpha = sample(seq(.2,.9, length.out = 1000),nrow(stars), replace = TRUE),
             size = sample(seq(.02,.2, length.out = 1000),nrow(stars), replace = TRUE))+
  geom_polygon(data = range, 
               fill = mountain_pal_range,
               color = "#011D26", 
               linewidth =.56,
               alpha = .9, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .1)) +
  geom_polygon(data = range2, 
               fill = rev(mountain_pal_range2),
               color = "#011D26", 
               linewidth =.5,
               alpha = .9, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .1)) +
  geom_polygon(data = range2, aes(y = y - .4),
               fill = "#836193",
               color = "#011D26", 
               linewidth =.5,
               alpha = .5, 
               position = position_jitter(width = .1)) +
  geom_polygon(data = trees, 
               color = "#082922", 
               linewidth = .1, 
               fill = trees$fill,
               position = position_jitter(width = .03))+
  geom_path(data = frame, 
            color = "#000000", 
            linewidth = 10, 
            position = position_jitter(width = .1, height = .1))+
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,10), ylim = c(0,10), clip = "on",expand = FALSE)