#Library Load in---------------------------------------------------------------
library(dplyr) #Data Wrangling
library(purrr) #List wrangling/iterations
library(ggplot2) #Plotting
library(ambient) #Noise work
#Data Set up-------------------------------------------------------------------
#Curl creation for noise#
update_curl <- function(current_state, step_size = .000008, ...) {
curl <- curl_noise(
x = current_state$x,
y = current_state$y,
next_state <- current_state |>
x = x + curl$x * step_size,
y = y + curl$y * step_size,
time = time + 1
#Setting up the limits for the coordinates#
coords <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 400)
#Creating three passes of the noise curling#
time_1 <- long_grid(x = coords, y = coords) |>
mutate(id = row_number(), time = 1)
time_2 <- time_1 |>
generator = gen_simplex,
frequency = 10,
seed = 05181990
time_3 <- time_2 |>
generator = gen_simplex,
frequency = 10,
seed = 11172022
#Binding into one data frame#
dat123 <- bind_rows(time_1,time_3,time_2)
#Generating the simplex noise#
dat123 <- dat123 |>
generator = gen_simplex,
frequency = 5,
seed = 411
#Setting a color palette#
colorpal <- c("#af3918", "#a21152", "#822b75","#612884","#154baf",
"#0b82b9", "#277e9d","#488e35","#e3a934","#b2336a")
#Final Piece-------------------------------------------------------------------
dat123 |>
ggplot(aes(x, y, group = id)) +
theme_void() +
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#000000")) +
geom_path(colour = colorRampPalette(colorpal)(nrow(dat123)), linewidth = 2) +
#To save the output:
# ggsave("images/13.png",
# bg = "transparent",
# device = "png",
# dpi = 300)