

Total Locations Found:

Program Information:

Map Filters:

Data provided by the New York State Office of Mental Health and found publicly on DATA.NY.GOV
Example created by Meghan Harris with the flexdashboard, Crosstalk, SummaryWidget, and DT packages.

title: "New York State's (Brooklyn,NY) Local Mental Health Programs"
    vertical_layout: fill
    source_code: embed
    css: scripts/nycmhstyle.css

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

#Library load in.#

#Loading the datasets into the environment.#
#MH programs with geocodes#

MHprograms <- readRDS("data/mhprogramsnyc.RDS")

#Converting data frames into shared data objects with crosstalk. This will allow the map, filters, and tables to be interactive and dynamic.#
Sharedgeodata <- SharedData$new(MHprograms)


Column {data-width=550}


```{r map}

#Pulling a "Home" icon I've hosted on the internet===
Homeimg <- htmltools::HTML(paste(""))

#Naming the home image for the addhomebutton function in the leaflet map===
Home <- list("Home" = Homeimg)

#Generating a bounding box of the entire data set. This will act as our "homebase" to zoom back to when the home button is clicked on===
homebase <- ggmap::make_bbox(lon, lat, data = MHprograms)

# Retrieving the center point for the map data to set the "home" view===
coordinates(MHprograms) <- ~lon+lat
proj4string(MHprograms) <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
mapcenter <- coordinates(as(extent(MHprograms), "SpatialPolygons"))

#Creating the leaflet map from the shared geo data object===
Sharedgeodata %>%
  leaflet() %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap) %>%
    popup = ~paste0(

",MHprograms$`Agency Name`, "

", "

",MHprograms$`Program Name`,"

", "Phone: ",MHprograms$`Agency Phone`, "
", MHprograms$`Program Address 1`, "
", MHprograms$City, MHprograms$`Program State`, MHprograms$`Program Zip`), icon = awesomeIcons( library = "fa", icon = ifelse( test = MHprograms$`Program Category Description` == "Outpatient", yes = "fa-stethoscope", no = ifelse( test = MHprograms$`Program Category Description` == "Inpatient", yes = "fa-bed", no = ifelse( test = MHprograms$`Program Category Description` == "Emergency", yes = "fa-ambulance", no = "fa-users" ))), iconColor = "#ffffff", markerColor = "darkpurple")) %>% addHomeButton(ext = homebase, group = Home, position = "topright") %>% setView(lng = mapcenter[1] , lat = mapcenter[2], zoom = 12) ``` Column {data-width=450} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ### **Total Locations Found:** {data-height=70}

`r summarywidget(Sharedgeodata, statistic='count', digits=0)`

### **Program Information:** {data-height=200} ```{r datatable} Sharedgeodata %>% DT::datatable( rownames = FALSE, style = "bootstrap", class = "compact", selection = "multiple", options = list( dom = "tip", columnDefs = list( list(width = '50%', visible = FALSE, targets = c(0,4:13,15:16))), colnames = c( "Location Name" = "Program Name", "Ages Served" = "Populations Served", "Phone Number" = "Program Phone", "Address" = "Complete Address" ))) ``` ### **Map Filters:**
```{r mapfilters} filter_checkbox( id = "Program Category Description", label = "Program Type", sharedData = Sharedgeodata, group = ~`Program Category Description`, inline = TRUE ) ```
```{r mapfilters2} filter_select( id = "Program Subcategory Description", label = "Program Setting", sharedData = Sharedgeodata, group = ~`Program Subcategory Description`, multiple = TRUE ) ``` ```{r mapfilters3} filter_select( id = "Populations Served", label = "Ages Served", sharedData = Sharedgeodata, group = ~`Populations Served`, multiple = FALSE ) ```

Data provided by the New York State Office of Mental Health and found publicly on DATA.NY.GOV
Example created by Meghan Harris with the flexdashboard, Crosstalk, SummaryWidget, and DT packages.